N3 ni pasal pudding peberet ku ..puding ni sy buat tuk Open House u-mate lama yg dah lama bebenau x jumpe ... Wahhhh how's time flies but she's still looks the same ..amazingly ..masih mcm zaman we olls skool dulu !!! hah tgk tu, awet muda la tu gamaknya ye ?? Apakah rahsianya tu ? but miss rose rasa everyone pun got their own secret kot stay young 4ever ni, to grow healthy somemore and to make it a lifestyle furthermore ! .. ada panduan2 yg boleh dikuti dan select the best for your own good ... lain org lain caraya kot.. banyak terbaca kat youtube smpi sapu muka ngan aspirin ubat tu, ada keluarga di taiwan the 3 girls dah 40++ mum 60+ but they all lookslikes 20+ girls ... hmm ce cite ?? haha x pastilah boleh percaya ke idok kan ...somestimes ppl just utilized the socmed to portrays their own lies, just to seek attentions and to be known so called P-O-P-U-L-A-R ..!! ... k la xyh bebel lebih2 ...? jom lets check it daudddd !! Oh ya makan pudding pun leh awet muda kot ..sejenis rumpai laut kot hahaha .. ntah la kan #silajgnikutajaransesat .. ahaks !!
- ~* 1 packet agar2 version pak kaduk tu - i punya 30gm and 1.3L air, boleh baca kat paket agar2 yang dibeli tu tuk panduan uols ..
- ~* 2 cups of whipping cream/santan/susu - or gabungan susu + santan lagik kick !
- ~* 2 cups of sweet condensed milk (kalau da sweet enuff xyah guna da)
- ~* 1 packet of oreo cookies - packet yg RM2.++ tu ...
- ~* Air secukupnya - 1300 ml (kene ukur betul2 orait, xleh agak2 nanti terlalu cair or thick plak !)
- ~* Acuan - i guna ciskeknya spingfoam
- ~* 2-3 tepung custard instant - nak bagi puding yummylicious ! x letak pun sokay je rasanya xde la pelik mana pun
- ~* Sedikit serbuk oreo ...amik sekeping hancur2 and ketepikan untuk hiasan
- ~* Rendam agar2 oldies ni semalaman or beberapa jam b4 guna, sbb nanti bila masak senang dissolved in the emulsion. Kalau serbuk masak je direct tp miss rose x brp pasti caranya, rasa mesti de tulis kat packaging dia ye x??..
- ~* Meanwhile, patah2kan oreo dan hancurkan oreo dengan lesung batu/'lucille' (remember Walking Dead?? hahah) or anything that can crush 'em up ! ..the filling tu x buang pun xpe ..suka ati uols. Lau nak powder-like korang amik blender or food processor and blendkan bg jadik tepung... tp lau nak chuncky2 xyah blend la ..
- ~* Ambil pot and keringkan agar2 squeeze ngan tgn, curahkan 1300ml susu segar ke dlmnya spt pic di bawah.
- ~* Miss Rose guna agar2 CKC ya, lain brand wa x pasti ya ..haha, dekat peket tulis air 1600ml, tp miss rose buat 1300ml jek so whatever liquid uols guna mmg kene 1300ml ya .. ..in thic case guna susu segar, tp akan mningkatkan rasa mual la ..miss rose lebih suka guna whippig cream instead ... kesedapannya luarbiasa tau ...mebelos gittew hah !!
- ~* Masukkan susu pekat cair (condensed milk)sebyk 4-6 sudu besar. Boleh agak2 jek penggunaannya ,,tp kalau x msk pun sokay jek ...

- ~* Masukkan sedikit whipping cream dalam setengah cawan gitu ..nk bg sedap ...
- ~* Masukkan 2 sdbesar gula pasir aka granuated sugar ke dlm mixture, kacau bg larut/dissolved ya ...
- ~* Masukkan daun pandan or vanilla essence nak bg wangi ... hak ni daku dah terlupa kat luaq gumah ada daun pandan ...adesss ...ekceli daun pandan more fragrance that the essence gittew ..
- ~* Tunggu mixture mendidih dan meruap2, masa ni kene jaga2/hati2/watch out sbb mendiih tu boleh spill out from the pot .... take care tau ... keful ya uols ... rs x confident tu ttp api tau ...n tggu didih lg ... tutup api ...ulang2 smpi sengal hahaha ... no la buat 2-3x ckp la tu ...jgn sengal sgt wei ...

- ~* Preparekan loyang/acuan ...miss rose guna cheesecake nya loyang tu pggl apa springfoam tu sbb senang nk keluarkan nnt ... dia takkan bocor/leak out ...no worries tau ...so serbuk oreo td taburkan sedikit di bawahnya mcm pic atas ya ...
- ~* Selepas itu, tuangkan mixture yg dah mendidih td tu ...sila guna penapis sbb takut ada agar2 yg belum cair/dissolved lg, ada lump mesti x besh nk mamam kan? ...nnt x cun plaks the agar2 texture gittew ...
- ~* Selepas itu taburkan oreo yg selebihnya, jgn memandai nak gerakkan loyang otherwise the oreo powder tu akan berkumpul di tengah2 heheh ... jgn ingkar ya puan2 & tuan2 hahaha ...
- ~* So, nilah hasilnya lepas dibekukan dlm freezer(pic atas), looks great + yummy right ?? ...Belanja lg another pics mcm ka bawah ya ...
- ~* Another cara yg miss rose pernah buat yelah buat mcm ala2 ciskeknya cara, betul2 buat layer oreo on the bottom using marjerin dan layered it atas is agar2 mcm pic bawah.... Boleh jugak tgk this N3 for details ...
- ~* ~* 1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
- ~* ~* 2 cups cold milk
- ~* ~* 12 OREO Cookies, divided
- ~* ~* 1/2 cup thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
How Make It :-
- ~* ~* BEAT pudding mix and milk in medium bowl with whisk 2 min.
- ~* ~* CHOP 6 cookies; crush remaining cookies. Spoon half the crushed cookies onto bottoms of 10 (3-oz.) paper or plastic cups.
- ~* ~* ADD chopped cookies and COOL WHIP to pudding; stir just until blended.
- ~* ~* SPOON pudding mixture into cups; top with remaining crushed cookies. Insert wooden pop stick or plastic spoon into each for handle. Freeze 5 hours or until firm.
Kraft Kitchens Tips :-
- ~* ~* Prepare using your favorite flavor of JELL-O Instant Pudding.
- ~* ~* How to Easily Crush Cookies
- ~* ~* Place cookies in reasealable plastic bag; seal bag. Use a rolling pin to crush cookies.
- ~* ~* How to Remove Frozen Pops from Cups

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