Blog ni ibu
HAZYQ punya aka MISS ROSE!.. Bubu rose is tryin' her BEST as she could to feed me the YUMMY
YACKY MUMMY food .. kekadang OK, kekadang KO hihihi..coz I'm the JUDGE/TASTER cum MANGSA keadaan. May u all got some ideas and thanks a lot for dropping by ya ..ALLAH
BLESS and HAVE A NICE DAY ..I Believe that Actually, EveryOne Can Cooked Her Own Way ~@ RAQHLY HAZYQ @~
I luv foood coz .. The Belly RULES The MIND!.. ~Spanish Proverb
*¨*•.¸¸❥¸ About Me *¨*•.¸¸❥¸
Salam and Hi ya'll ..
Blogging is my Passion .... I ain't NO EINSTEIN but I do love to explore and share what I've learned so that others can benefit from my blog ;p digalakkan meng'copy' tuk manfaat bersama, no hal pun, min halalkan.. If it is for GOODNESS just take it if not then else LEAVE it.. Ilmu yang berguna itu boleh memberi syafaat nanti ..InsyaAllah
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day to ya'll ..
" There is no sincerer love than the love of food - George Bernard "
" The first law of dietetics seems to be: if it tastes GOOD, it's BAD for you heheh ".
Success Consists Of Going From Failure To Failure Without Loss Of Enthusiasm –Winston Churchill">
"I am No CHEF I am A MOTHER !"
/* - XOXO (Hug N' Kissess).. Just call me - Miss Rose
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Jagung beberapa tongkol (hehehe dah lama x guna penjodoh bilangan ni)
1 ketul gula melaka
Gula ikut citarasa
Santan Kara 1 kotak or santan dari 1 biji kelapa
Daun pandan 2 helai
Sagu ikut citarasa (jika suka)
:: Cara MemasakNya ::
1. JaGung yg telah dibuang kulit dan dihiris.
2. Rebus dahulu selama 5-10 minit - utk melembutkan jagung
3. Sementara itu boleh la dicairkan Gula Melaka yang telah dihiris dan
dipotong dadu. NOTE : boleh juga gunakan gula perang aka gula tebu tp rasanya idak ler sesedap gula Melaka ...Go Melaka ! >_<. Kemudian, masukkan ke dalam campuran jagung rebus tadi.
4. Kemudian baru masukan santan pekat - 1 kotak santan kara or santan kelapa ori.
5. Masukkan gula pasir - ikut citarasa sendiri
6. Masukkan juga 2 helai daun pandan- bagi beraroma pandan
7. Cuci sagu dengan sedikit air dan masukkan ke dalam bubur.
7. Masukkan secubit garam
8. Bolehla dihidangkan ...hmm yummylicious and aromalicious !
*¨*•.¸¸❥¸ End of Bubur Jagung Manis Bersagu II *¨*•.¸¸❥¸
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