Thursday, April 27, 2017

•*¨*•.¸¸❥ How To Choose The BEST PERFUME According To Your Mood ? •*¨*•.¸¸❥

“Fragrance is like music, if you play different music on different occasions and for different moods then think of perfume in the same way. Pick and choose your scent according to your mood.” – John Stephen

Miss Rose rasa nk buat this N3 for the sake of my own knowledge and to make me easier nk choose perfume of my own .. konpius gittew haaa ... tp miss rose ada EZY PEZY guidelines which is nk sempoi miss rose pilih CK or Hugo series, nak lady like sikit pilih LANCOME series and if terlebih duit leh beli Thierry Mugler (angel + alien + womanity series)

Why CK or HUGO or LANCOME ? yesza ! sbb perfume dia all 'vibrant and live' esp Euphoria series (gold + classic + essence), Eternity pun good as well, DownTown pun x dissapoint me tho, so as LANCOME series ....all of them (or mostly) are EDPs and the smell is so so nice. But i like jugak brand POLO esp si Romance or True Romance tu ...Each and every single of them smell is different but still boleh rasa 'lively'.
I don;t go for De Xandra ...sorry sesangat it just don't suits my taste - imi la mcm mana pun, sorry can't understand why on earth at the first place !! just go and create ur own smell will u ? (sorry ye sy bkn nk condemn cuma nk tegaskan each perfume is unique of it's own no need to imitate ... just like 'soulmate' jugak u can;t find 2-3-4 at the same time !! - mmg la ada 4 bini/madukan) .. Tapi again tulah sumber R-E-Z-E-K-I kat sesetengah org kan n dah masuk bab rezeki ni yg mmg menjadi RAHSIA Allah ... so bab2 rezeki ni i'm back-off to commenting more ... hah gittew !

All my life mmg miss rose pastikan akan beli yang ori, part2 lain boleh beli 'cap ayam' tp perfume mmg xleh ... x tahu la knp, agaknya sbb nk 'last long for a day' kot ..that's y ...Memilih perfume yang terbaik bukannya senang, depends on the usia, season, personalitiwise and jenis kulit dll (alamak da blur sbb translate ni ) hahahah ...Salah satu factor yang perlu diberi perhatian ialah your M-O-O-D.  

Rumours menyatakan sesetengah bauan boleh pengaruhi emosi, brain activity and menampakkan sesetengah pbehaviour (perilaku) kita ? well, may be that's true ...So check it out ..... 

Di bawah ni list of perfume according to our MOOD, choose wisely ...


Lavender is what you should opt jika uols cemas dan tertekan. Perfume note ni suai tuk KETENANGAN and dan membantu menangani masalah emosi.  Kesan nyaman lavender Boleh melegakan ketensionan urat-saraf dan melawan kemurungan (depression). Ia juga adalah sgt diperlukan untuk saat-saat apabila anda tidak boleh berfikir apa-apa lagi seperti sakit kepala yg teruk iaitu migrain.  Untuk kesan yang menenangkan weols recommend kan :-

Jasmine (aka Melur)

Seperti lavender, jasmine juga mempunyai sifat menenangkan juga. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya lebih byk digunakan untuk merawati anti-depressi disebabkan oleh keupayaan menaikkan semangat yang kuat. Boleh menolong mendapatkan semula keyakinan anda, serta mencergaskan badan dan minda anda. Untuk dos pure jasmine weols recommend kan : 

Musk (aka Kasturi)

Suatu aphrodisiac (peransang nafsu berahi ... mak aii google translation meaningnya ..hahah , kasturi mempunyai pelbagai manfaat kesihatan dan kesan positive ke atas badan dan semangat. Kecuali tuk keupayaan untuk melegakan sistem saraf pusat, kasturi juga boleh menolong mengurangkan kesedihan (tp selalu tanam kat perkuburan plaks ...huhuhu). Musk (aka Kasturi) boleh digunakan untuk aktifkan the seven chakras dan mengosongkan minda, menolong kita stay focused.  Tuk kekuatan dalaman dtg drpd the sexy musk weols mencadangkan :-



Grapefruit (aka Limau Gedang)

Kesan menaikkan ransangan dan semangat limau gedang ini telah terkenal sejak zaman dulu lagi dikenali sbg zaman Antiquity (keunikan). Juga digunakan sbg anti-depressi. Meransang tubuh dan fikiran dengan pelbagai cara, juga memberi anda arah yang lebih jelas. Wah fakta yg ditemui baru2 ni that women wearing a perfume with a grapefruit note in it appear at least 5 years younger! (mcm mn la kan ..ini bkn perasaan ke? or perasan perhaps ?? .. hah awet gitu ! ...  Jika uols berasa hilang arah, we recommended a grapefruit spirit uplifting:


Booster tuk mental alertness, bauan orkid boleh help you fight hypertension, migraine, juga allergies, headache, and even cramps. Dikenali sebagai their mysterious immortality, orchids memiliki keupayaan tuk kita menjadi segar (refreshed) dan activate semula' (revitalized). Tuk bauan orchid weols rekomenkan :-

Note : sorry kene guna pic lofa sbb susah carik pic muslimah and perfume uols ! ...che ta and mia ahmad ada but pilih lofa instead and may i know why is that miss rose ? cystal clear tho, coz she's my IDOL !!!!! hehehe... Lagi byk kecam, hinaan as great as SLANDERING her lagi la i SUKA-SUKI dia ...she's inspired me from any angle of life eventho dia just 28 yo !! ... sorry ye dah msk IG Story dah ni (#jgnkecam miss rose bkn obses ya ! ..just name someone yg be my role model in life, she's success in bisz more than woman twice her age, carried out a good personality, muslimah wp she;s no perfect in imprefection ...kan ..kan ??...  

Bab2 fashion & attire plaks hey i'm NOT an appropriate person to CONDEMN her because what more can i say ?? she's truly the HIPSTER kan ? so, as a role model in fashion she's mmg kene BE BOLD & DIFFERENT la kan long as x menjolok mata, fine with me ! .. 

Oh ya, lupa nak promote LOFA's perfume the ROSE BLUSH EDT and VANILLA ORCHID EDT smell so so SOFT and BREEZY gittew hah !  and suits lady's the most !!. With only RM53.00 for 30ml, i think it's value for money tau !! ... I've tested b4 and the smells last long as well jugak ...Just go and try ..u'll no REGRET about it ... in shaa Allah :D ... Leave uols with these simple rules to make our life more meaningful each and every single day !! Jgn lupa hargai org sekeliling kita .. be positive ! .. n always spread good vibes ! .. #katabaikbaik #doabaikbaik #fikirbaikbaik

ok la, last but not least .. cau-cin-cau ye ! ...adios amigoes ! ..... Have a nice weekend uols ! miss rose doakan semoga yang terbaik sentiasa menjadi milik uols ! take care ya ! ....Bubai ... 

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