Bahan2 A :
- 250g cream cheese
- 50g butter
- 100 ml susu segar (fresh milk)
- 6 biji kuning telur
- 1 tsp jus lemon
- 1/4 tbs garam
- 60g tepung kek / tepung superfine
- 20g tepung jagung (cornflour/cornstarch)
- 140g gula (granulated sugar)
- 6 biji putih telur
- 3/4 tsp cream of tartar or pinch of salt
- Utk adunan A: Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dgn teknik double boiler. Bila dah cair, sejukkan adunan cream cheese tu td. Kemudian, campurkan ke dlm adunan c/chs td dgn tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus lemon ke dlm adunan cream cheese & gaul hgga sebati (gaul guna senduk kayu sj).
- Utk adunan B: Dalam bekas lain, pukul putih telur bersama jus lemon, sampai berbuih2 (foamy). Lepas tu, tmbhkan gula & pukul lagi sampai bertanduk (soft peak).
- Campurkan adunan Bahan A td ke dalam adunan Bahan B yg dah gebu tu & kacau smpai sebati. Sediakan tin/bekas kek yg bulat berukuran 8 inci, yg digriskan bwhnye & tepi tu salut dgn kertas baking. Tuang adunan kek dlm tin kek.
- Bakar kek dlm kire2 sejam, dgn cara au bain-marie (waterbath), << Click SINI untuk keterangan lanjut >>>> pd 160 degrees C / 325 degrees F. Pd sesapa yg kurang pasti waterbath tu cmner, buatnye simpel jer. Lepas letak adunan dlm dlm tin kek, balut bwh hgga sparuh tinggi tin kek dgn aluminunium foil (ni double protection agar air xmasuk esp springfoam pan, saya x konfiden tu yg wat gitu hehe, kalo xmo buat ok je tp advisable balut). Then, letak tin kek tu atas dulang pembakar, pastu tuang air panas atas dulang pembakar, preferably ½ tinggi tin kek tu, lepas tu letak ler dlm oven then bakar ler, tu aje).
- Ni kek yg baru siap bakar, ter-over golden brown sket hihi (oven buat hal jap, signal kena beli oven baru kot adehhh kantoiii).
Ambik adunan cream cheese tadi, masukkan sikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan meringue.. kacau secara perlahan dgn kaedah kaup balik.. kalau boleh buat satu arah je..
Buat selow2 je tau utk elak udara dlm meringue tu hilang.. jgn kacau beriya2 lak.. pastu masukkan lagi sesenduk adunan krim cheese.. kacau lagi perlahan2.. ulang sampai abis ye..
Aku guna loyang spring foam mcm gmbr di atas.. nak guna loyang apa pun boleh.. tapi jgn besar2 sgt la, kang rendah aje kang cheese cake korang.. kekekke..
Bakar selama kira2 sejam... bila dah cukup sejam jgn kuarkan terus dari oven tau.. biar je dalam oven selama 10 minit dalam keadaan pintu oven di renggangkan sedikit..
Sebab tu aku kata adunan meringue tu kena buat betul2 sbb kang nanti tak menjadi gebu, sebaliknya jd mcm bingka aje kang.. tapi still boleh mkn la kan cuma kurang gebu je..
Source :
This is the English Version plaks ...mcm kureng confident je haku ngan Recipes dia atas heheh >_< - Selalunya memang saya akan baca 2-3 recipes or selagi banyak yang boleh and come out with my own version ...sebab saya percaya tiap individu ada their own 'comfortability' to make her own MAGIC in the kitchen ...tol tak?? ...
What you’ll need
- 250g cream cheese
- 250ml milk
- 60g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
- 6 large egg yolks
- 6 large egg whites
- 50g plain flour
- 30g cornflour
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
- 130g caster sugar
- To make your cheesecake
- Sieve the plain flour and cornflour together.
- Preheat the oven to 150°C.
- Melt the cream cheese, butter, and milk together in a bowl set over a medium saucepan of boiling water, until there are no lumps. Set aside to cool.
- In a separate bowl, add the cream of tartar to the egg whites, and whisk until foamy. Add the sugar, and whisk until you get “soft peaks” which should take about 3 minutes with an electric mixer.
- Returning to the cooled cream mixture: mix in the egg yolks then gently fold in the sieved plain flour and cornflour, a small amount at a time. Make sure there are no flour lumps.
- Add the cream-flour mixture to the egg white mixture bit by bit. Mix together very gently, to not lose the “airiness”.
- Line the sides and base of a 23in baking tin with grease-proof/baking paper and wrap the outside of the baking tin with kitchen foil to prevent water from seeping in. Pour in the combined mixture.
- Put the baking tin into a large roasting dish and fill with hot water until about half-way up the baking tin.
- Place the baking tin and roasting dish into the oven and bake for 1 hour.
- To cool, leave the cake in the oven with the door ajar for 10 minutes before you tip the cake out on to a wire rack.
- Leave in the fridge overnight before serving cold.
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