Friday, September 25, 2020

¨*•.¸¸⊰✿¸ © Cara2 Membuat Oreo Cheesecake Yang Ezy Pezy Yummy .. InsyaAl...

Music: For Now
Musician: Gabriel
Video link :
•*¨*•.¸¸⊰✿¸ © Cara2 Membuat Oreo Cheesecake Yang Ezy Pezy Yummy .. InsyaAllah
| RosesLicious •*¨*•.¸¸⊰✿¸
source :  pinterest

edited by : callmemissrose@roseslicious
     :: Bahan2 Cream Cheese Mixture ::

🌸 240gm cream cheese x 2
🌸 2 sdb condensed milk
🌸 1 cwn whipped cream
🌸 1cwn vanilla ice cream - opt
🌸  1sdk sudu teh esen vanilla
🌸 1 sdb nescafe powder/3 in  coffee
🌸 1 sdb orange essence like suquick - opt
🌸 1 sdk air perahan limau or lemon - opt
🌸 1 sdk serbuk kayu manis - opt
🌸 1 sdk vanilla essence - opt
🌸 1 sdb instant custard powder - opt
🌸 1 sdb instant custard powder - opt

         :: Bahan2 Tuk Topping  ::

🌸 250gm/1 cwn non-diary whipping cream
🌸 1 sdb tepung jagung/cornflour
🌸 1/2cwn oreo crush/crumbs
🌸  1sdk sudu teh esen vanilla

         :: Cara Membuat Topping  ::

🌸 masukkan bowl & whisk ke dlm freezer for 10-15 mins , slps itu pukul/whip non-diary whipping cream aka fresh cream sehingga ice-cream peak
🌸 masukkan 1 sdb tepung jagung/cornflour, masukkan pula oreo crumbs, pukul rata, finale, masukkan 1tsp vanilla essence

        :: Cara2 Membuat Cream Cheese Mixture & How to Assemble ::
🌸 biarkan Cream Cheese berada pada suhu bilik otherwise susah nak working with nnt.
🌸 masukkan condensed milk + whipped cream + orange essence + lime juce + 3 in 1 coffee + instant custard powder + and lastly .. vanilla essence cinnaom powder, mix well and leh assemble
🌸 masukkan oreo crush dlm acuan/cwn kecil/papercup yg keras
🌸 pipingkan campuran cream cheese
🌸 hias ngan oreo whipping cream & hias ikut suka,
🌸 Selamat Mencuba ..  Semoga Bermanfaat . InsyaAllah ..🌸

#roseslicious #roselicious

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