Sunday, December 28, 2014

╰⊰✿´ Selamat Bertunang to My Cousin ╰⊰✿´

Here's the cuppies yang sy buat untuk my cousin tunang ...sangat chalenging jugak buat cuppies and bermain ngan fondant pd masa cuaca lembab ...fondant menjadi lembik semacam and susah nak working on ....but at last inilah the outcome ...Alhamdulillah, Syukran Jazilan >_<

Jenis Cuppies : Sponge Cake - Click HERE for tutorial
Topping : Coklat Ganache (Step By Step Tutorial)
Hiasan : Menggunakan Fondant

NOTE : kat bawah tu ada sy pastekan Tutorial buat Sponge Cake (Using Sponge Mix)

Bahan2nya :
  • 250 gm sponge mix (vanilla/chocolate or any flavour as u desire)
  • 5 biji telur gred A
  • 60ml air masak suhu sederhana (if nak letak perasa like pandan, put with this boiled water)
  • 60ml corn oil or butter - i used butter, melted
  • 1/2 tsp ovelette
  • 1 tsp bicarbonat soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

Method  to bake !

This is my dream mixer ! How about the price ?? MYR1999.00, ngalahkan harga laptop and ipad je ..huhuhu baik aku beli laptop instead ..pakai je brg lama, xde lama xde baru kan?? But the PINK, BROWN and SILVER tu makes me drooling ...huhuhu ! ada sesape nak present x? heee

  • Pukul telur sampai betul2 kembang (this will takes approximately 15 minutes if using my mixer ! but depends on the mixer jugak, mine TENSION LEVEL is only 1-2-3, if guna KITCHENAID mcm Martha Stewart selalu guna tu i think 8-10 mins enough kot sbb the TENSION LEVEL is 1-6 !), mine punya National brand zaman dedulu but still mantap u, still awet muda and POWERless tau, hehehe !! ). Meanwhile tu bolehlah ayakkan sponge mix + gula icing + baking powder + bicarbonat soda ! (even sponge mix mmg dah ada gula but if you sift and then the granule gula tu dah remains, so add up between 2-4 tbsp somemore according to ur sweetness taste level !) 

  • Lepas tu masukkan sponge mix sikit2 sampai habis ...Masukkan ovalette. Pukul lagik another 15 minutes (Trust me! ..I've been tried out for 8mins, 10mins and 15 mins gives me the BEST RESULT though !!, This is by my own experience ok to get the very very delicate status/stage)

  • Masuk air panas (boiled water, if nak letak perasa like pandan, put bersama this air) sikit2. Masukkan oil or mentega cair, pukul lagik sampai jadi mcm ice cream peak for another 15 mins, jenuh menunggu but worth it when you saw the 'spongy and springy' sponge cake, we called it Ribbon like stage or Ice Cream peak ! 

it should be looks like this for the FINALE stage !

  • This is how it should be looks like after u baked for about 35-40 mins using the 155 degree celcius (155 ºC = 311 ºF)
 This is the choc sponge cake right after bake, 8inch round pan .. cool on the wire rack for a while ! 

 This is how i wanna get the Flat Surface Cake ..U may followed this Amoi method -, only prob is where to get the wire rack (plz go to minutes 5.40 for faster view !!  search all over Melaka for this ...but frust ..kat e-bay pun tarak, amoi tu buat sendiri ke apa ? heheh !

 After that u may level the cake using the WIRED LEVEL CAKE .. u may cut off as what ur desire ..make 2 or 3 level for instance ...

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