Friday, September 25, 2015

•*¨*•.¸¸❥¸ My Ezy Pezy HomeMade Pizza Comel •*¨*•.¸¸❥¸

Alkisahnya dimulakan intro, saya tercari2 dinner yg ezy, tgk dalam fridge (ke freezer err konpius mokcik) grab je apa yg sempat, it's not perfect but's it's ok ... cun jugek ler sbg 'snack bite' di mlm hari, lari dari 'nasi' sebentar ...think out of the box .... kudap2an gitu ...enjoiiii >_< ...pisss y'all !!

Hish xleh jadik, aku mmg kene CSI jugak meaning both of them, xleh ada Misteri Nusantara kat minda aku nih this is the best answers of them all ..

"" Best Answer:  Refrigerator and Fridge are the same thing. Fridge is a shortened form of Refrigerator. Freezers, Refrigerators, and Chillers are the same thing (Maybe not Freezer). They are all "Things that cool".

You have to look at the implied meaning, or the meaning that everyone takes it to mean. A Refrigerator/Freezer Combo is called a Refrigerator. The colder of those two compartments is called a Freezer. The weaker is (also) called a Refrigerator, although to avoid the awkwardness of saying that there is a "Refrigerator inside a Refrigerator", many people just call it a Fridge. A Chiller is simply a smaller, weaker refrigerator. It is commonly used for wine.

In short, freezer is the 'compartment' dalam fridge (shorten from refrigerators) - HowStuffWorks.""""

Hah tu dia baru aku tahu next time better sebut fridge la kan ??? kan ..kan ??

:: Bahan2Nya :-) ::
  • Roti Paratha (sy pilih perasa Garlic & Chili) - or any base or wraps will do ..:-)
  • MeatLoaf ayam or daging or Pepperoni and such - nugget, fishball, ketam ball, sotong ball bakso daging bulat tu ....any ball will do, goreng dan potong kecil2 ...
  • 1/2 Bawang Besar
  • 1 biji telur ayam - optional, dijadikan like scramble egg ...
  • Sedikit Capsicum Merah Hijau or Kuning - optional
  • Sedikit Sos Chili - letak dlm piping beg, senang nak drizzle atas pizza comel lote
  • Mayonaise - pun sama letak dlm piping beg, senang nak drizzle atas pizza comel lote
  • Cheezy Meezy  - like Parmesan, Mozarella & Cheddar
  • Sedikit Oregano - optional
  • Sedikit Rempah Kari - optional
  • Sedikit Rempah Sup - optional

NOTE : mine is not chewy and cheezy meezy ..uols leh buat ikut selera uols ...just roughly bagi idea je la kan ...insyaAllah, semoga bermanfaat ...lap uols !!

Bahan2 yang perlu disediakan awal :-
  • - Scramble Egg
  • - Meatloaf
  • - Sayur2an dipotong
  • - Cheese diparut
  • - Bawang besar dipotong

  • Paratha ni nak guna baru keluarkan dari fridge/freezer, kira ambil dan put in pan la ... sbb kalau biarkan ke suhu bilik susah nak work with nnt doesn't work out with room temp, ingat tu cik jah heheheh ...lesson to learn :)

  • Prepare barang2 yang hendak diletakkan di atas paratha - seperti scramble egg, meat loaf digoreng dengan minyak sedikit, bawang besar dipotong dadu/kiub, masukkan cili sos dan mayonaise ke dalam piping beg, sayur2an dipotong kecil dan dsbgnya ...

:: How to Assemble ::
  • Masakkan paratha 1 side, flip over - biarkan yang mentah di bawah dan mula susunkan pepperoni/meatloaf di atasnya seperti pic bwh :-
  • Taburkan scramble egg di sekeliling pizza comel kita, diikuti bawang besar, sayur2an yang disukai dsbnya ...the more the merrier :-)
  • Taburkan seberapa byk cheezy meezy ..saya x suka byk ..menjaga kesihatan u ! hehehe ...masa ni my son pun x berapa nk ada so sy put cheese sket je ....

  •  Letakkan sos cili, mayonaise or any sos peberet anda seperti mustard, blackpepper sos or such. Juga perisakan dengan rempah kari, sup or sebagainya.
  • Sos cili dan mayo tu sy masukkan dlm piping beg sbb senang nak 'drizzle' atas pizza comel nnt ...buat bentuk pattern mcm roti jala tu ..pic seperti di bawah ya :-)

  • Akhir sekali taburkan oregano, parsley or daun bawang ke atasnya, saya guna oregano kering je ...guna apa yg ada je @home ...maleh nk gi kedai or so ...

  • Finale looks should be like this :- Uols adjusss ikut suka uols ....terpulang :-)

  • Last but not least ...Selamat mencuba dan semoga bermanfaat uols ...Sedap dimakan panas2 sbb dah sejuk, paratha mcm dah 'kajut' sikit ....'taste' pun dah 'kureng' gitu ..hehehe

•*¨*•.¸¸❥¸ End of My Ezy Pezy HomeMade Pizza Comel •*¨*•.¸¸❥¸

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