Sunday, October 07, 2012

`*☆.¸¸`✿´¸¸.✿`✿ Chocolate Bananana `*☆.¸¸`✿´¸¸.✿`✿

  taraaa, kejap dah tinggal half cut hazyq and mak hazyq 'ngap' ! ...hmm sbb dah lama x mamam cake kot ..beli kat secret recipes pun baru dpt a slice ...nak beli the whole membazir plaks ...mahai tu (as for me la, and that's the MAIN reason i've started baking a year back then, still remember i bought birthday cake cake and cupcakes and tht cost me abt 120.00 bulks  huhuhu ..mahai ..mahai ...bazir ..bazir ..but if x beli then mcm x spesel lak, so beli ngan tgn shaking nak membayo :)), after tht determine giler nk buat sendiri dah ....

 Zooom pisang inside ...

 hah ni pisang yang disusun layer by layer ...Pisang beringin is the Best Choice ...Tapi cara susun ni x cute, susun mcm kat Secret Recipes tu mcm ikut putaran jam gitu ..

Mr. YouTube and Google is my best-teacher eva !! sampai la ni pun ...nak gi kelas rs membazir jugak, unless u mmg nak start a bakery od bisnez la kan, the cert tu quite compulsory and it's a must have ! ..if takat nak buat kek anak, kek org rumah, kek famili ..buat sendiri je ...believe in urself u can do it !! ...actually if u selalu buat ianya x susah mana pun ...As goer saying 'Practise makes perfect' ..Hari2 buat plus 'tong sampah' lama2 ok ...heee ...Aik, mcm story aku jek ...

Still remember ms tu nak buat SPONGE CAKE, it tooks about 3 weeks (sat or sunday je) kot aku try ...smpi give-up giler sbb nak mencapai KPI yg aku sendirik tentukan ..kuikuikui ...When the skills n time is right, insyaAllah apa2 pun jadik ...Now kira dah boleh buat ngan lelap mata je  (kerek? ler tu) ...insyaAllah ..insyaAllah dengan izin yg maha Esa ...

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