Tuesday, February 07, 2012

╰⊰✿´•*¨*•.¸¸❥¸ I've Made My Own Barbie Box ..Ahaks ╰⊰✿´•*¨*•.¸¸❥¸

I've made my own Barbie box .. heee, this is not ORIGINALLY my idea, take from one blog that i surfed last 2-3 days b4 (sorry ye blog owner, i lupa the URL), tp x tahu la exactly the same or not ...sbb i just take the basic idea and the rest i buat tau ..

On the left & right side hole, i just take one transparent plastic (mcm alas meja makan tu) and patch on the side ...i use the cuppies box yg color putih tu ...lau guna kek box xde 'mirror' la ...but still boleh buat jugak .. just use your own creativity ...

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